テレビ番組リサーチ トロリー(TROLLEY)



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SDGsへの取り組み / SDGs Initiative

SDGsは、“Sustainable Development Goals”の略で、2015年9月に国連加盟(193か国)が、より良き将来を実現するために今後15年かけて極度の貧困、不平等・不正義をなくし、私たちの地球を守るための計画として採択された、持続可能でより良い世界を目指す国際社会共通の目標です。トロリーは小規模会社ではございますが、弊社なりに取組めることを推進し、経営理念に基づき、社会のお役に立つサービスを提供する事業活動を通じてSDGsの達成に貢献してまいります。今後大企業様では、取引している企業へSDGsの取組みを求める動きであったり、SDGsの取組みをしている中小企業を取引先として優先的に選択する時代が想定されます。
代表取締役 佐野 貴子

SDGs is an abbreviation for "Sustainable Development Goals",  which were adopted by the United Nations (193 countries) on September, 2015.
SDGs goals are to conserve our planet by gradually reducing poverty, inequality and injustice over the next 15 years to achieve a better future.
These goals are adopted by the international community and aim to achieve a sustainable and better world.In spite of Trolley being a medium-sized business, we believe that we can greatly contribute and promote SDGs.
Our management philosophy is to contribute to the achievement of SDGs through services we provide that are beneficial to society.In the future, analysts expect corporations to collaborate with their business partners on SDGs initiatives.
Medium-sized businesses and enterprises that adopt and apply SDGs will be the most desired partners.Given various historical backgrounds and eras, we will continue to explore how we can contribute to society through the achievement of SDGs by streamlining our activities now and in the future.

トロリーの SDGs 実践していること / Trolley is practicing the following SDGs

質の高い教育をみんなに (Quality Education)

・During the state of emergency to contain the coronavirus, Trolley initiated a "Youtube Cram school" to engage in corporate social responsibility.
This was initiated to prevent learning deficiencies for students who could not attend class.

ジェンダー平等を実現しよう(Achieve gender equality)

・More than 70% of all employees are foreign nationals or former housewives who have raised children.
We hire individuals with different nationalities, genders, ages and backgrounds
This helps not only secure human resources but also revitalizes business activities.
By engaging in "diversity management", the right employee is placed in the appropriate position.


エネルギーをみんなにそしてクリーンに(Affordable and clean energy)

Through our research activities, we reduce the amount of documentation that is sent to our clients by shrinking margins on documents.
Documents are digitized as much as possible.
50% of our employees commute by bicycle.
Promotional items such as pamphlets are made from recycled paper and are environmentally friendly.


働きがいも経済成長も(Decent work and economic growth)

・We have created an environment that is conducive for women raising children as they might experience difficulties in relation to time constraints.


産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう(Industry innovation and infrastructure creation)

・We keep our data on cloud storage services.
・Our office is equipped with Wi-Fi connection.


人や国の不平等をなくそう(Reducing inequalities)

・Trolley employs workers regardless of their race, country of origin or age.


つくる責任、つかう責任(Responsable consumption and production)

・We thoroughly engage in waste segregation.


気候変動に具体的な対策を(Taking action against climate change)

・We try to reduce the number of times we meet clients, prioritizing phone and emails as means of communication.
・Employees wear casual clothes to work.




電話: 03-5547-4352

Mail: info@trolleyresearch.com

住所: 東京都江東区東雲2-5-7

営業時間: 平日10:00~19:00




