テレビ番組リサーチ トロリー(TROLLEY)



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1 番組(インターネット上で配信される番組も含みます)を制作過程で必要となる「アンケート調査」のために取得した個人情報は、弊社が担当する番組の「番組調べ」、もしくは企画内容を裏付ける参考資料とし、利用することを原則とします。
2 ご協力頂くアンケート調査においては、回答頂いた内容は匿名化とし集計させて頂き、弊社が依頼を受ける番組へ、弊社がアンケート集計をした上で調査結果として報告致します。(年齢や性別などは使用させて頂きますが、匿名化としてご報告致しますので個人が特定されることはございません) 
3 ご協力頂きました皆様のお名前や連絡先、住所などの個人情報は各アンケートの回収の際にご協力者様の選択次第で頂きますが、その際に得た情報は弊社(株式会社トロリー)内でのみ保管されます。弊社でご協力を頂きました方々へ、ご協力いただいた調査・投票などの御礼とし、ご協力頂いた回数によって粗品をお送りさせて頂きます。
4 下記がアンケート調査を通し取得した情報の利用目的となります。
「個人情報保護方針」(当社HP URL)https://trolleyresearch.com/contact.html

電話: 03-5547-4352
Mail: info@trolleyresearch.com
住所: 東京都中央区勝どき2丁目18-1-211
個人情報苦情・相談窓口責任者 佐野貴子

Trolley Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “Company”) is a company that mainly conducts research for Japanese media. In addition, the company engages in media marketing research(hereinafter referred to as “Media Marketing Research”). Upon using survey as a method, Trolley Co., Ltd. provides its clients with information on mass media viewers and consumers’ opinions and behaviors. Its client are mainly determined TV programs
Regarding the handing of personal information of the contributors who have registered for the Media Marketing Research ( hereinafter referred to as “Contributors”). We will comply with the Act on Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations. A declaration on safely handling personal information appropriately in accordance with privacy policy has been set forth below.The information relative to the acquisition, intended use and provision of personal information provided when the Contributors answer various surveys is as follows. 
In case Contributors personal information was to be used for other purposes, it would be after asking and obtaining their permission.Please find the information relative to the acquisition, use and provision of personal information below:

1. As a rule, personal information acquired through surveys created for production of a television program (and online distribution, if applicable) will be used by our company for Media Marketing Research or as reference data supporting our client’s project proposal.

2. Regarding surveys, our Company will anonymize and gather (sum up) the responses received. Our Company will then report the survey results to our clients (We use age, gender, etc. for data collection, but we will report it as anonymized to prevent anyone from being identified.).

3. The collection of personal information such as names and contact information will depend on the Contributors choice. Information obtained is stored solely in Trolley Co., Ltd’s premises.

4. Please refer to how personal information obtained from the surveys will be used below:
・ To confirm registration for the survey
・ To contact the Contributors
・ To create various statistical data (as a rule, data will be have been separated from your personal information)For our personal information protection policy, please refer to the "Personal Information Protection Policy" on our website (in Japanese).

"Personal Information Protection Policy" (URL of our website) https://trolleyresearch.com/contact.html Regarding Inquiries and complaints
For inquiries and complaints regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the contact listed (Inquiry / Complaint Reception Desk).
Regarding the disclosure of personal information, we will respond without delay to the Contributors or their legal representatives demands regarding reports, disclosure, correction (correction or deletion of contents), suspension of use (suspension of use or suspension of use by third party) 
We will strive to protect personal information with the utmost care by officers and employees who fully understand the purpose and intention of this personal information protection policy.
2021年02月02日 13:15


電話: 03-5547-4352

Mail: info@trolleyresearch.com

住所: 東京都江東区東雲2-5-7

営業時間: 平日10:00~19:00




